Real world impact from a secure, resilient, enterprise grade platform
simplified workflows
Lanstad is cloud-based publishing production platform, featuring a collaborative project management workspace that enables real-time XML editing, proofing, and content transformation. It leverages AI and machine learning technologies to automate tasks and simplify workflows.
Built with microservices in Azure, Lanstad uses a cloud-based architecture designed to support scalable, reliable, and easily integrated services.
Its API-driven approach allows seamless integration with other systems and technologies, enabling publishers to build and maintain a hyper-connected production ecosystem, avoiding duplication of effort and allowing for simple management and tracking of projects.
AI-powered, automated,
game-changing features
Journal and books modules
Fully customisable XML-first production modules designed specifically for journal and books content.
Project Management & communications
Integrated communications (with email and instant messaging), combines with automated schedules to drive projects.
AI assessment & XML conversion
Content is ingested, structured, tagged and converted into XML. AI tools rename files and amend images to your spec.
Log-in free access for authors
Passkey protected, log-in free access, gives authors swift and simple access to relevant content
Online-editing and proofing
Smart copyediting
Define and save your house copyediting style (or styles) and apply to newly ingested content.
Smart proofing
Changes are no longer annotated but made to a single-source-of-truth content. Eradicating errors and version control.
Spelling & Grammar
Best in class spelling and grammar checks, specifically built for academic publishing.
Citation cross-checking
Our NLP-led automation tool checks all bibliographic citations against the PubMed database.
Automated & dynamic typesetting
Ingested text flows automatically into pre-defined templates. See copyedits on the fly with PDFs at chapter or book level.
Embedded indexing
Embedded indexing and automated re-pagination allows any user to Create and edit indexes at any stage of the project.
LaTeX normalisation
Import, edit and manage LaTeX content easily using our XML normalisation engine.
Reference editing
AI tools identify reference styles allowing you to save, duplicate, edit and apply styles with ease.
Reimagining the production workflow
Our Trends in Academic Publishing Survey shows that rather than spending time with authors, the majority of publishers are preoccupied administering the publishing process, with content being passed between internal departments and external stakeholders using email and PDF, often with individual departments maintaining individual tracking tools.
Deanta created Lanstad to deliver a reimagined workflow. Simple and streamlined, Lanstad uses true automation to avoid rote tasks and eradicate human error across four key stages of production – prepare / convert / update / deliver.
1. Prepare
Deanta’s data science approach to workflow automation and system integration kicks off at the start of all projects with an AI assessment of all files and content supplied.
Our AI models ensure the accurately automated ingestion of all metadata, files, content and imagery supplied regardless of where and how that content is supplied. This process automatically creates the respective article/book file along the appropriate schedule, along with the TOC and castoff for book projects.
2. Convert
Rather than have an operator run a local semi-automatic process to identify each element of the publication, customized machine learning algorithms identify these elements using NLP and automatically convert them to XML to streamline and automate the entire process.
In parallel, all related artwork is extracted, sized and automatically improved and converted to the correct format and image specification. The artwork can be accessed in our online gallery where it is also linked to its respective chapter/articles XML file.
3. Update
Lanstad’s ProEditor provides a centralised, user-friendly and intuitive XML editing environment to update article and book content at all stages of production. This includes access to our AI and NLP customised style and grammar tools to tailor the editing needs of the subject area.
This removes a huge amount of the manual editorial work, while also assisting editors and reviewers with the process.
4. Deliver
Lanstad’s ProEditor provides a centralised, user-friendly and intuitive XML editing environment to update article and book content at all stages of production. This includes access to our AI and NLP customised style and grammar tools to tailor the editing needs of the subject area.
This removes a huge amount of the manual editorial work, while also assisting editors and reviewers with the process.